Follow What Flows Out

Creative, small businesses require one thing. Outflow.

Constant and consistent outflow. Videos, blogs, pictures, shorts, paintings, or woodwork. It doesn’t matter what the medium or craft is, product has to go out. In most cases you will have multiple outlets.

I have a few, this blog being one, but on top of that a YouTube channel, an Instagram and Facebook, and of course the woodwork. Each of these outlets is a product of mine. Physical or digital, each item is carefully crafted, reviewed, and created to the best of my ability for consumption and use.

Some of the products come naturally. They seem to take no energy and fly from my fingertips.

Others require effort. I have to motivate myself to keep going. I have projects that aren’t inspiring and I drag my feet to start. Those things feel like a job I have to do, not one I want.

My advice, follow the thing that flows out of you like water. If it feels easy keep doing it. The work that brings you energy is work you can do over and over for a lifetime.

And remember, consistency matters. By posting a video every single week you will gain traction purely because you have volume. You may have 100 videos all with 50 views, but one will pop off and get 50,000. That one video will lead people into your channel to dive deeper and see more from you, bolstering your library of work.

Blogs flow out of me. Every single week I write at least three articles. I think of each one like a book I am adding to my self. A searchable, indexable, sharable entity available for eternity, there for you to enjoy, learn, and be inspired.

If I didn’t enjoy writing I would have stopped a long time ago, but they bring me joy, therefore I keep doing it.

My advice to you, experiment. Try new things until you find that thing that comes naturally. It may not at first, but eventually it does. Once you do, keep going, not because you expect a return, not because I told you to, but because you want to.


Refinishing Complete: Friday Update


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