Restarting: Friday Update

With the coffee table and sofa table project done I get to shift back to the interrupted entry table.

But before I talk about that, here are some glamour shots of the coffee and sofa tables. I’m working through the videos for these two tables with the goal to publish them this month.

Now on to the entry table. I intended to make this table for the Rockler Try That Challenge, a challenge put on by Rockler where we woodworkers were asked to make something we’ve always wanted to make or try a technique we’ve always wanted to try.

I’ve always wanted to incorporate curves and try making wooden drawer slides.

I left the table with the sides and legs done, but am restarting with the back, front, dividers, and drawers. Then there’s all the routing, sanding, filling, and finishing.

Because of all that I am skeptical that I can finish this table and get a video done by the end of the year, but I’m going to push for it, but I don’t want to sacrifice family time during the holidays to do so.

I didn’t get much done this week as I video edited and cleaned up the aftermath of my last two projects, but I’m looking forward to shifting gears again.


Giving Thanks

