Welcome 2023

2022 was a big year for me. Here are some highlights.

  • I started a blog and wrote 60 articles

  • I started a YouTube channel and created 9 YouTube videos (I don’t count the shorts)

  • I participated in 2 craft shows

  • I delivered 5 client projects and 3 for my family


2022 was a year of experimentation and learning. I started off unsure if I wanted to write a blog, getting around to starting it in March, posting 1 - 2 articles per week. I learned how to become a more efficient writer, keeping the quality high while spending less time editing. As I reflected and reviewed this years articles I noticed I spent time writing about concepts and my thoughts, exploring business topics ranging from North Star Metrics to Productivity. I also discussed woodworking concepts such as the Difference Between a Carpenter and Woodworker and What Makes a Craftsman. I also discussed some of what I was working on, but I was not consistent and I missed an opportunity to share more about what I am up to.

Therefore, in 2023 I promise a weekly Friday update, sharing what I have been working on each week. You will get a sneak peak into my shop, my lift, and my projects. I’ll show you a little behind the scenes action of my video making, photo shoots of projects, and whatever else I have going on. This new series will accompany my typical topics.


In October, 2022, I posted my first long form YouTube video showing the world how I rebuilt my fence. This video is not my best quality. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing in the filming, editing, and voiceover. It took me months to shoot, edit, and complete, sucking down more time than all of my next 8 videos combined, all for a current count of 81 views. If you want to make it 82, here is the video. Feel free to skip through or watch a portion of it, I won’t make you suffer through the entire video. I would appreciate if you subscribed to my channel and checked out some of my newer content to see how I’ve improved.

While the video wasn’t perfect, it was a start. I overcame a lot. There was a learning curve I had to climb, but the greater climb was putting myself out there. I had to get used to seeing myself on screen and listening to the sound of my voice. I was not comfortable with this and am still a work in progress. This video was my first step.

In 2023 I will continue on this path, moving faster as I go, to create more videos and increase my quality. I hope you follow along and watch as I improve.

Craft Shows

Time is at a premium, and craft shows take a lot of time. Between building inventory, tagging, branding, packing, transporting, setting up, and spending all day at the fair I found my cost per hour was not worth it. I am sure I could keep trying, going to different shows, selling more, but then I have to build more inventory and I’m pigeon holed into building a certain type of project in the time I have, and I’d rather build furniture than cutting boards.

So 2023 brings me no craft fairs. My inventory may be offered on my website until it’s gone, or it may go away as gifts, that I am not sure of yet.


2022 brought many projects, but not as many as I would have liked. I have more on my list, I didn’t have time to get to them all.

But the more I build, the more I learn, the better I become. So 2023 will be another year where I will design and build as many projects as possible with the goal to beat the number I completed in 2022. I simply cannot make more time, but I can redirect my time away from craft show projects, which I did not include in this count, toward other projects.

That’s it, a little about 2022, and a look into the future to see what 2023 will bring. If you’ve been following along, thank you for your support. Seeing the comments, responses, likes, and views means I am having an impact and that makes all this effort worth it.

So tune in to an exciting 2023.


Back to the Shop, Continuing the Bookcase: Friday Update


How Courage Improves your Woodwork