New Projects: Friday Update

This week I delivered the dining table, the refinished tables and repaired chair. Big shout out to Tom Steelhammer who made the dining table delivery possible.

With the official closure of two projects taking up a ton of space my wife’s car is back in the garage, and just in time for the closing of summer and cooler, rainy weather coming.

But that doesn’t mean work has halted. I finished the charcuterie board last week but worked on video and pictures to wrap that project.

Next up was the stool I’ve been mentioning, which received a lot of treatment this week going from 4 boards to a stool of sorts.

It was tricky to do the joinery given the mortise orientation which required some jig work, but nothing I couldn’t handle after thinking through it over and over again until mustering up the confidence to try it.

A jig for the router to cut angled mortises

The angled mortises

But the thing I want to talk about this week is style.

My dining table video defined a style for my videos. In the video I shared that a project starts with an idea, starting with that concept and rounding it out at the end. The middle was filled with the wood and the action to show how I made the dining table.

After a lot of research and thinking I have decided this is what sets me apart. The idea. Not the build. Not the craftsmanship. Not the cinematography or editing. It’s the idea I’m sharing.

Which should have been obvious, after all the blogs I write are often sharing an idea. You’ll see in some of my future videos how I fine tune the voice over to share an idea and expand upon it, taking you on a journey through the project while discussing something more than just what’s happening.

More on this topic later. For now, I’m leaving a teaser for my dedicated Friday Update followers to look out for a deep dive into what I believe my style is and why it matters to me.


When an Idea Hits


The Mitchell’s Dining Table Retrospective