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You Are Always Competing
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

You Are Always Competing

As a woodworker, you are always in a competition, just maybe not in the way you think you are. There is only one person in the world you have to be better than.

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The Table Continues: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

The Table Continues: Friday Update

One project done and delivered making the table my sole focus this week. Slabs are simple builds, not really much to the slab other than the piece of wood, but simplicity only excels when the details are done right.

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Remove Barriers Stopping the Start
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Remove Barriers Stopping the Start

Want to start something new but having trouble getting an idea off the ground? Are there hundreds of things to do, holding you back from beginning? What if I told you those barriers didn’t exist and that the real problem is you?

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A Wasted Week, Almost: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

A Wasted Week, Almost: Friday Update

Being sick really slows down the work, but this week wasn’t a total waste. I had the opportunity to almost finished the Lazy Susan before being bedridden for the better part of the week.

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Made Perfect
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Made Perfect

Perfection is a perception. Nothing starts out perfect, it’s made that way. Here are three simple things you can do to make your projects perfect.

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Softwood vs Hardwood - Wood Essentials
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Softwood vs Hardwood - Wood Essentials

Two industry wood terms everyone has heard are, softwood and hardwood, but do you know what they really mean? Do you know where to use hardwood or when softwood is appropriate? In this article I share a behind the scenes look into the difference and proper application of both.

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Dining Table Progress: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Dining Table Progress: Friday Update

The slab is flat. Simple sounding, it was a feat to complete. I had options and ultimately outsourced the work to save myself time and money. Read more in this week's update about the breakdown between flattening options and why doing it myself was the worst one.

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Types of Sawn Lumber - Wood Essentials
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Types of Sawn Lumber - Wood Essentials

There are three main types of sawn lumber, plain, quarter, and rift. Each has it’s pros and cons. Knowing where to use each will elevate your woodworking and help you save a buck at the lumber yard.

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Fixing a Scratched and Chipped Cutting Board
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Fixing a Scratched and Chipped Cutting Board

The wooden cutting board, a fantastic kitchen choice, but all that abuse can leave a board looking less than stellar. Here’s a simple guide that anyone can follow to clean your board up and make it look as good as new.

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Finding Local Woodworking Resources
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Finding Local Woodworking Resources

Are you stuck buying lumber from the big box store but looking for a way out? Are you looking for classes about woodworking but don’t know where to turn? Do you need to use an industrial planer, but can’t afford one? Here is guide for you have been looking for.

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Catching Ideas
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Catching Ideas

Ideas, like fish are caught, not made. To catch one, all you need is to use the right bait and go where the fish are and inevitably you’ll have one on your line.

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Surrounded by Opportunity
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Surrounded by Opportunity

You are constantly, perpetually, surrounded. To the point that you cannot get away from it, no matter how hard you try. Every place you go, new or familiar is full of opportunity.

The problem is you do not see it. You are accustom to seeing what you want while ignoring what is there.

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The Start of My Biggest Project Ever: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

The Start of My Biggest Project Ever: Friday Update

Getting close to completion on one project means starting a new. Generally that doesn’t mean buying a 10 foot by 4 foot slab of black walnut that I now need to store and work around for the next few weeks, but hey, I did.

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