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Do These 3 Things Every Day Increase Your Productivity
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Do These 3 Things Every Day Increase Your Productivity

Life is busy, there’s no doubt about that. Typically we humans spend our time on three activities, sleep, work, and fun. Of the 24 hours per day on average we spend 8 of them sleeping, leaving 16 for work and fun. Here’s how can we use our free time to enable us to be more successful…

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The Importance of Trust
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

The Importance of Trust

This weekend I was making some picture frames. Picture frames are a fun little project for me, and a great way to use up some excess scraps of wood. As I was going through the motions to cut the pieces for the frames I was thinking about how easy everything was coming together…

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My Top Three Must Have Tools That Improved My Woodworking
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

My Top Three Must Have Tools That Improved My Woodworking

Here are my top three tools that helped me improve and can help a hobbyist woodworker increase the quality of their work. Disclaimer before we get started, 2 of the 3 tools are not what most people consider tools, but are two things that helped me more than any new power or hand tool.

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Take your time
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Take your time

Applying finish to a project is always the most satisfying and nerve wracking part of the job. On one hand you get to see your creation come to life. Finish adds luster, depth, and beauty to wood. There is some wood I never even knew had such beautiful figure until after the finishing process.

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