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Giving Thanks
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Giving Thanks

This is a special thank you to all my supports who are out there helping me reach my dreams.

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Restarting: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Restarting: Friday Update

With the coffee and sofa tables done I am moving back to the entry table I started before these two projects landed on my plate.

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Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer


Daily, weekly, monthly. All regular recurring activities fall into a routine. Maintaining a routine is is all about consistency, building habits and sustaining them, but what happens when a routine is skipped?

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Two Matching Tables: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Two Matching Tables: Friday Update

6 weeks later I have made two matching tables. This week was a big push to finish them off, but now its over and the results speak for themselves.

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Lessons That Coast By
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Lessons That Coast By

Do you keep mementos of failure around to remind yourself it’s okay? You tried, made a mistake, or had a bad idea to begin with. Well in this case, these coasters were a bad idea, but they set me on the path I’m walking today.

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90% Done: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

90% Done: Friday Update

The coffee table and sofa table are almost done, but first, the last bit of construction. Creating sliding dovetails, and a little on how testing makes the magic happen.

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Combating Consumerism
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Combating Consumerism

With the holidays coming its time to start the procurement of things during the season of giving while I share my thoughts on appreciating the effort that goes into an object.

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Generating Ideas
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Generating Ideas

Generating new ideas doesn’t happen easily. It takes practice, discipline, and consistency. Following a few key principles can help improve the flow of your ideas and document them at the same time.

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Removing Epoxy from Wood the Easy Way
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Removing Epoxy from Wood the Easy Way

Epoxy can be a great solution for filling cracks and knot holes, but its excess spillage can be a pain to clean up. But there’s one simple trick to get rid of that extra epoxy fast and easy.

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Friday the 13th! Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Friday the 13th! Update

Well I forgot to hit publish last week, so here’s two weeks of updates on my four latest projects.

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What is a Shoulder Plane and How to Use It
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

What is a Shoulder Plane and How to Use It

The humble shoulder plane. A small, simple tool good at very few tasks, but when you need one there is no tool that does it’s job better. Used for trimming tenon shoulders, exceling at end grain, and simply being fun, here’s why you need one.

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4 New Projects: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

4 New Projects: Friday Update

With a flurry of activity I make progress on a personal project in an attempt to finish it before I need to start client work.

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Use Don’t Save
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Use Don’t Save

Working with rough sawn boards, while extra work is often worth while for the surprises. Occasionally you’ll stumble across a board and set it aside for a special project.

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My Woodworking Journey, So Far
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

My Woodworking Journey, So Far

It has been two years since I started Keaton Beyer Woodworking. Now seems like a good time to reflect on where I’ve been and look at where I’m going.

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To Do it Yourself or Outsource
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

To Do it Yourself or Outsource

Outsourcing, a hard decision for any business, but especially hard for small businesses built on the sweat equity of the owner. But doing it yourself doesn’t always mean saving money, often it can actually cost more.

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When an Idea Hits
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

When an Idea Hits

When you get an idea it’s not always at the most opportune time. A sudden thought can be fleeting and those good ideas are hard to come by. Hence the need to take some quick action so you can’t forget.

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