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The Mitchell’s Dining Table Retrospective
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

The Mitchell’s Dining Table Retrospective

Every project deserves an in depth review, reflecting on what went well and where improvements could have been made. Lessons learned carry forward to improve and streamline the next project, allowing for focus on new challenges.

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Refinishing Complete: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Refinishing Complete: Friday Update

Returning after a week off is never easy, so I slowly get back into it by finishing off the refinishing project and fill in a filler project to occupy my tools while I contemplate some challenges.

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Follow What Flows Out
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Follow What Flows Out

Creative endeavors require outflow. It is difficult to keep the flow going, but there’s one thing you can do to find a way to keep that flow going. Find that energy bringing thing and keep going.

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Power Tools Worth The Investment
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Power Tools Worth The Investment

Not all power tools are created equal, but there are plenty you don’t even need. This guide will help you decide where to invest in high dollar tools, where to buy budget, and where to save by leaving a tool at the store.

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One Project Done. 3 More Start: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

One Project Done. 3 More Start: Friday Update

As the door on one project closes another opens to 3 new projects. Luckily they are all relatively simple compared to the last, giving me a little break between complex projects. Now all I need to do is get started.

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Improving Your Designs
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Improving Your Designs

Designing your own furniture is one of the most difficult things to do as a woodworker. Following plans or copying others, that’s how we start, but eventually you need to challenge yourself and one way to do that is develop your own style through your designs. Here are three things you can do to improve your designs.

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The Dining Table is Done: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

The Dining Table is Done: Friday Update

The dining table is done, marking the end of my biggest furniture build to date, but the work isn’t done yet. I still have the delivery to go, and of course some video to finish editing. But I can’t stop there, it’s time to gear up for a new project.

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Transferrable Skills
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Transferrable Skills

Every day you are acquiring new skills and those skills transfer to a future activity, you just don’t know it yet. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn today, it will pay off big.

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Sharpening - Hand Tool Essentials
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Sharpening - Hand Tool Essentials

Making a dull tool sharp, the most essential woodworking skill. Without a sharp tool even a master craftsman is nothing. Here is a simple guide on how to sharpen quickly so you can get back to work.

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Slab Sanding: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Slab Sanding: Friday Update

This marks the second to last Friday update covering work on the slab dining table construction. I’m down to the final detail, sanding. It’s a slow, methodical, mindless process allowing my thoughts to wander onto what’s coming next.

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Leaving a Legacy
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Leaving a Legacy

In your life you’ll do many things and meet many people. As your career begins and shifts you will start to form who you are and begin crafting what you leave behind. Your legacy.

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Another Issue Arises: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Another Issue Arises: Friday Update

Wood movement got me this week. The slab has been sitting in my garage for a few months, and in that time it has cupped. Luckily I had the power to fix it with the trusty hand plane and a few hours of work.

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Repeatable Accuracy
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Repeatable Accuracy

The biggest difference between a beginner woodworker and a professional is the professional knows how to remove the source of errors from their work. Read on to find out what that source is and how you can do the same.

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Hand Tools vs Power Tools - Essential Skills
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Hand Tools vs Power Tools - Essential Skills

The great divide, are you a hand tool or power tool woodworker. Well what if I told you it didn’t matter? There are pros and cons to each and a good reason why hybrid woodworking is for you.

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Buying Lumber - Wood Essentials
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

Buying Lumber - Wood Essentials

Buying lumber, a first step in any project. It’s easy, if you prepare and follow a few steps ahead of your visit to the lumber yard, know the lingo when you are there, and are prepared to bring your boards home. Here’s a simple guide to help you prepare for your first visit.

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A New Video and Table Base Work: Friday Update
Keaton Beyer Keaton Beyer

A New Video and Table Base Work: Friday Update

With the World’s Largest Lazy Susan delivered I wrap up and publish the video so I can turn my full attention to the slab table, specifically the base where I battle buggy wood and methodically plan my joinery.

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